Vegetable Sowing Schedule #1: Day 21 - slow growth

My first vegetable seeds of this season were sown on the 16th Feb. It's been 3 weeks and I hoped to be planting out the fastest growing vegetables next week. So how's their progress?

Honestly I was expecting to see more growth by now. It's been 3 weeks and the seedling are either just emerging or have produced seed leaves in the last week. The seed trays have been left in a sheltered location but they don't receive any additional heat, which means these trays have been experience 5-6c most days and near 0c at night. Next year I will bring the Feb sowing indoors to provide some warmth and get things growing quicker.

The onions, of all varieties, are only just germinating and breaking the surface.

Winter sown onions after 3 weeks

The spinach and salad rocket is showing more growth, but these are fast growing vegetables and  with more warmth they would have at least one set of true leaves by now.

Winter sown spinach & salad rocket after 3 weeks

Same story for the radish & tatsoi - sown later in the year these should only be a couple of weeks from harvest but instead they're yet to produce a set of true leaves.

Winter sown radish, tatsoi and kohl rabi after 3 weeks 
