Growing Chillis, Peppers and Aubergines: Day #15 - Observations on deformed seedlings

While many of the germinated seeds have turned into strong little seedlings, a few are showing deformities and not growing well. The Cayenne and Petit Marseilles in particular have not produced uniformly strong seedlings - I don't know if this is due to the seeds or something I did during transplanting. One of the Cayenne seedling completely failed to emerge from the pellet.

The first photo here shows the uneven emergence of the Cayenne. 3 big seedlings (front of first row and the two behind the plant label), 2 smaller seedlings (middle), 1 failed pellet and 1 weak looking seedling (back).

The Petit Marseilles has also produced a couple of deformed plants. This photo shows one plant that has germinated in a spiral (hard to see in the photo) and is not elongating towards the light, and one that is not extending any seed leaves. I will give these plants a few more days, but if there is no improvement they will be composted.
