Growing Chillis, Peppers and Aubergines: Day #16 - A few more transplants

A few of the last seeds remaining from the first sowing germinated yesterday so this evening I have planted one of each Cayenne and Papy's Peppers. The Cayenne however didn't look healthy, the root was weak and translucent rather than firm and white - I don't have much hope that this will develop into a full plant.

The first Jalapeno from the second round of sowing also germinated today, which was my 3rd transplant.

I had a surprise checking the Habanada sown two days ago - the "damp" paper towel was completely dry. The only difference between this sowing and the others is that I placed this second batch of Habanada in their own germinating chamber (ie. empty hummus pot) - I guess the bottom heat from the heat mat is a little too strong as all of the water in the chamber seemed to be condensed on the lid, but non on the bottom. Maybe having several paper towels in the other chamber allows the air inside to reach saturation before the papers dry out. After re-wetting the paper towel I have placed the box raised slightly more from the heat mat and will check it in 9 hours.

The 2nd Feb sowing leaderboard on day #15 stands at:

- Aubergine 2018: 7 of 7
- Petit Marseillais: 8 of 8
- King of the North: 8 of 8
- Cayenne: 8 of 8
- Jalapeno: 3 of 4
- Papy's Peppers: 3 of 9
- Habanada: 0 of 2
- Aubergine 2019: 0 of 4

The 11th Feb sowing leaderboard on day #15 stands at:

- Jalapeno: 1 of 6

And to complete the inventory, the yesterdays sowing leaderboard on day #15 stands at:

- Cayenne: 0 of 4
- Habanada: 0 of 2
- Papy's Peppers: 0 of 8
