Growing Chillis, Peppers and Aubergines: Day #4 - Transplanting to coir pellets

Yesterday I found that my first seeds had germinated using the paper towel method, so I have transplanted the germinated seeds to coir pellets to grow on. The ungerminated seeds will stay in their paper towel germination chamber, sitting on a heated floor.

The pellets had been soaking in water for 24h, since I noticed the germinated seeds and decided they should be transplanted. Based on a recommendation from a YouTube video (I will find the link later....) I loosened the damp coir in each pellet using a plant label.

Soaked coco-coir pellets that have been loosened

The seeds were then very carefully transferred from the damp paper towel into small 0.5cm deep holes in the pellets, one seed per pellet, and the coir was gently pressed down onto the seeds. Several articles say not to pick the seeds up from the paper as the roots will get damaged. I have experienced this before with lettuce, where the root had grown through the paper, but didn't have any problem with these aubergines or peppers. It probably depends on the density of the paper and how long the seed has been left growing on the paper.

Gently pick germinated seeds from the damp paper

Placing the germinated seed into a coco-coir pellet

I then transferred the seedlings in their new coir pellet homes to an Ikea germination chamber and, before placing the lid on, gently watered each pellet. The germination chamber will be placed on a heated floor in a corner of the room that stays at 23 celsius.

Coir pellets placed in the germination chamber

Ikea germination chamber with newly transplanted aubergine & peppers seeds

The day #4 germination leaderboard is:

- Aubergine 2018: 7 of 7
- Cayenne: 5 of 8
- Petit Marseillais: 5 of 8
- King of the North: 2 of 8
- Jalapeno: 1 of 4
- Papy's Peppers: 1 of 9
- Habanero: 0 of 2
- Aubergine 2019: 0 of 4
